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Meet a smile min EnQiu, this words to say, this thing is some difficult, but as long as there is a calm and peaceful state of mind, there is a selfless optimistic state of mind, there is a a blessed is the mind, it can be done completely meet a smile min EnQiu.

Attitude towards life

A Crash Course in Slot Machines

The happiness that I want

The dream, once the countless times seen your face, although is vague. Also had the appearance of countless times you said, though it is let me fear sad.

Let the past it with the wind.

Not many people have absolutely ZERO idea what a slot machine is But we wanted to answer this question because we think it provides some useful context. Slot machines are those big boxy video game like gadgets on the casino floor with flashing lights at the top. They're the noisiest machine on the casino floor. Their cases are brightly-colored, densely-decorated, covered in symbols and numbers. Slot machines have spinning reels with symbols on them, and the spinning is just a little hypnotic. Slot machines are noisy games (increasingly computer-controlled) that offer long odds on some large payouts.

A plain definition of the phrase "slot machine" might look something like this: a slot machine is any device that allows real-money gambling, gives players 100% control of its operations, pays out winnings based on the series of symbols that appears on spinning reels. A long time ago, a slot machine was a coin-operated mechanical gadget with small prizes and just a few symbols. Back then, a pull of a lever would activate the game, set three reels spinning, and wins were automatically determined and paid out into a hoper.

That's all changed.

Slot machines these days may not have a lever to pull; having replaced it with a "spin" button or a touchscreen. They probably don't accept coins. Very few casinos host "old-school" machines that accept coins or require a real lever to start the game. You won't usually hear coins spilling into hoppers anymore, either. These days, prizes are tallied and paid out electronically, the same way the players place their bets.

Meet a smile min
The happiness that I want is on a rainy day, I forgot to bring an umbrella, when I was standing on a roof looking confused the rain in a daze, you carries an umbrella in the rain from coming to me.
I want to happiness is in my sad, you give me a hug and told me I listen to a few hundred times altisonant from life.
Have a riddle: you smile to it, it is for you to smile; You cry, it to you cry - what is this?

People guess: this is a mirror! But the set indifferent of answer: this is life.

For seat is surprised! But he came other wonderful kan: morosely see life, life must be even when you are sad; Bright and clear optimistically see life, life must be sunny.